Why funerals? – Death is a part of life. Mostly, we have difficulties saying Good-bye to a loved one, but one day we have to... When I sang for a dead for the first time, it was a very intense moment.
I went for a private visit at a funeral home with two close friends of mine, one of which had lost his mother. She had been lying in a cold room. When we intended to say Good-bye to her, I suddenly felt like throat-singing for her. I shyly asked my friend, whether it was okay for him if I did that. He confirmed silently, and felt emotionally supported in the process of letting go... This experience was beyond words.

Other friends, who love my voice and know of my musical talents, have asked me to sing songs and/or prepare something by myself for a funeral. So I would do cover songs and give throat-singing performances during deep and silent ceremonies.

If your heart says you want to contact me for this, feel free to do it.

Selected references:

Funeral Ceremony for Pia Engler
Artists: Linda Kratky (vocals, throat-singing) and Georg Masanz (organ)
Place: Catholic Church, Kirchdorf (AG) in Switzerland